My Story…

"My Story…" By Nancy Alexander

I Filmed a Video of Me Talking About My Story…

I just filmed a short video about "my story" that went out in my newsletter on Tuesday.  You have probably heard me talk on this blog about my story of fighting Celiac and Fibromyalgia before.  Some days I am speechless when I look at how many emails I still get from women who are suffering and going undiagnosed every single day.  I got sick when I was twenty-nine years old.  That was thirty years ago!  Wouldn't you think by now, that a diagnosis and the correct medical care would be easier to get?

My partner, Linda Joseph, and I have a new website,  This site is set up to be more intense workshops in my home studio than we could offer in, as well as more intense group coaching.  So, in announcing this new website, Linda and our personal coach wanted me to film this video.  We want to let women, who are just like I was thirty years ago, know that they CAN dream, and they CAN learn wreath-making as well as any other craft, and they CAN learn to sell online to bring in extra income.  In other words, there is help out there to makes their lives fuller, and more joy-filled!


If you watched my video, I must tell you that was very hard for me to film.  I have felt led by God for such a long time to get my story out there in hopes that I can help those of you who have chronic illnesses, or other issues you are having to deal with.  I am sixty-two years old!!  And, I am now able to do more than I have done in the last thirty years.

I feel as though I went through so much, so that I could feel your pain — and I CERTAINLY do! 

Please don't EVER give up.  Please don't EVER accept a doctor telling you it is all in your head, when "you" know that you're really sick.  Keep searching, keep looking, find a good nutritionist like I have who can help you with diet, allergies, which foods you can eat, as well as which foods you cannot eat — and so much more.

Do you know that just this week, I found out I had another problem?  Have you ever heard of high histamine?  Well, the normal number should be around 20.  I was just tested, and mine is 134!  This leads to another group of foods that I cannot and will not eat — but that is okay!  In some ways it is comforting to know that, yes… I HAVE really been sick all these years when no one believed me.  But, at the same time, it makes me very sad; sad to know that I spend those years searching and searching and never finding an answer.

I then remind myself that without having a chronic illness, I would NEVER have been right here, today.  I would not be talking to you right now.  I don't think I would have ever made it this far if it were not for the fact that God's reason was for me to be able to love and encourage each of you!

"God has a perfect plan for us.  He never does it all at once, just step by step because
He wants to teach us to walk by FAITH, not by sight."  ~Author Unknown~

Thank you for visiting today.  I continually pray for each of you!  Smiles… Nancy

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