Finding Strength…

"Hello Friends"   By Nancy Alexander

I'm so excited you stopped by today to spend a little time with me…

Today, I want to share a verse of scripture with you that is very dear to my heart. This verse comes from 2 Corinthians 12:9, "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.'"

I don't know about you, but for me, there are days when I feel so weak. When I wake up not feeling well or I am simply overwhelmed by unexpected changes in my life, I find myself feeling weak and defeated. This verse jumped off the pages as I was reading my Bible because it says to me that there is power in my weakness! Don't confuse this as your own power. This power comes from having God in my daily life! In fact, His power shines thru when I feel the most weak! In my weakness, I have learned to depend on Him and trust His plans for my life.

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It may sound strange I know, but the times when I have felt the most weak, overwhelmed or defeated, I have turned to God and found His unconditional love for me and His great power to give me strength to push through.  Those are the times when miracles happen. They are the times when it is apparent that He is at work in my life, and in the choices I must make to grow closer to him.  They are also the times when I must make necessary changes in the direction of my business, making sure it follows His direction.

I don't know what circumstances you are battling today, but I pray that you will find encouragement and strength in this powerful verse. If you are feeling lost on your spiritual journey, I encourage you to seek out a Bible-teaching church in your area. You do not have to be defeated by your health challenges or difficult circumstances. I once heard a wise pastor say, "You may feel defeated, but you do not have to be defeated!" Isn't that a powerful thought? Just because I feel a certain way, doesn't mean I have to be that way!

Learn to rely on God's power in your weaknesses, and you will find a freedom that brings joy despite what's happening around you! I pray that today you feel encouraged and a little stronger as you rely on His power in you!

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