God Put a Burden on My Heart

I receive so many emails…

Each and every day wanting to answer each one personally.  I REALLY want to answer each one personally.  There just aren't enough hours in the day.

God has put such a burden on my heart for people who struggle every single day just to make it through the day.  I used to pray every day:
"Lord, if there is a lesson you want me to learn, PLEASE tell me, I will learn it." 
"Lord, if there is something you want me to do that I am not doing, PLEASE tell me, and I will do it." 
"Lord, if there is any thing I can do to make money to help pay the bills and feel productive, PLEASE tell me how, and I will do it." 
There were many, many prayers such as this, lots of tears, lots of Doctor visits, and debt that you cannot begin to imagine.
Finally, after much prayer, and literally fighting for my life for so many years, God did answer my prayer.  And it took my 35 year old son just a couple of months ago (when I was a little down, and still remembering the "lost years") to tell me; "Mom, God DID answer your prayers!"  "It wasn't in your time, but it certainly was in His time!"
Matt was right!  If I had not been through all that I have for the last 30 years, I would not be right here, right now, with a huge following of women who want help and encouragement…. and certainly "JOY"!  They want something to live for, a hobby they love, and a way to make some extra income.  I can certainly help you with that!
I have been praying "The Prayer of Jabez"  for 11 years now.  I pray it at least once per day — and sometimes two or three times. (You can read the prayer here on my blog: http://nancysramblings.com/?p=395)  Well, every single time I prayed this prayer and got to the point where it says:    "That You would enlarge my territory, and that your hand would be with me" ,  I would think…How in the world can God expand my territory?  At that time, I could hardly even make the 30 minute drive to Greenville, SC, without being in severe pain.  So, how in the world could He expand my territory when I couldn't travel anywhere?? 
Well, I want to tell you something that totally amazes me beyond words.  God is soooo good, He is soooo wonderful, He has blessed me in soooo many ways!  Do you know that in the last four weeks, there have been people on my website and my blog from over 30 different countries?!!  I receive emails from them.  They say that I inspire them.  It isn't me….but God "is" using me, and for that I am so grateful.
As far as "Joy" goes…that can only come from God.  For Christmas, my husband gave me two silver chains.  I wear them every single day.  On the oval one (with a heart in the center) he had imprinted: "SHMILY", which stands for: "See How Much I Love You", and on the other tag is printed "JOY".  Joy is a very important word for us.  We pray for it every day, and no matter what our circumstances are, we search for it in every single thing…"It is There!…God gives it freely!"


By The Way…Steve had this Necklace Made for Me From:
Check out her site — I LOVE It!!! 


You are in my heart and in my prayers!  Don't ever, ever, ever give up!  God is there to love and care for you…as well as giving you "JOY"!

Watch my newsletters to find out when the membership site will open (probably in about one month), and also when the business class will start!
JOY and Blessings … Nancy

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