

"Me…" By Nancy Alexander

God, Family, Life, Work…

My life's goal is to make a difference in the lives of others by sharing with them the gift that God has so richly blessed me with.  I can honestly finally say I am grateful for the path God has led me on which has brought me to this place where I can love, encourage, teach, and train customers and friends.  I have been blessed with the gift of "art", and I am using this gift to teach a hobby that gives so many of you a reason to get out of bed each morning with joy and anticipation of what you will accomplish this day.


Life – My Life…

Life, Family, Work, Nancy Alexander

God Created me, He Saved me, and He Redeemed me.  He watches over me always holding out His hand to lead me on His path, as He catches me when I fall.  God brought my husband, Steve and I together over 40 years ago.  Steve truly is "the love of my life", you know, the "Knight in Shining Armor" that we all hope to find one day.  Because of my illness, this road has not been smooth, it has been full of pot holes, and curves, and steep hills.  But now, God has led us on his smooth path and walks with us – together – hand in hand.  My husband cherishes me, he loves me more than I have ever felt loved before, and he supports me in whatever endeavor we feel God is leading us or me to do.  I am overwhelmed with this "unconditional" love, I had never known.

God has given Steve and I a very special family, one that we both adore, made up of our two boys, their wives, and our four precious grandchildren.  Each one is so very special making each day giddy, lovely, joy-filled and happy.  We play together, laugh together, and we giggle together.  And, there are plenty of hugs, kisses, and Wuv You Mimi & Poppy! I thank God every day for the blessings of my life and the love that fills it.

My heart is full today. It is full of blue birds, daffodils, colors and smiles. It is overcome with praises to God for all of His blessings, and the family He has seen fit to entrust me with.  With a chronic illness, I have failed many, many times and have not been the wife and mother I wanted to be.  I am so thankful now, that God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give me another chance.  ~Nancy~

Finding Strength…

"Hello Friends"   By Nancy Alexander

I'm so excited you stopped by today to spend a little time with me…

Today, I want to share a verse of scripture with you that is very dear to my heart. This verse comes from 2 Corinthians 12:9, "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.'"

I don't know about you, but for me, there are days when I feel so weak. When I wake up not feeling well or I am simply overwhelmed by unexpected changes in my life, I find myself feeling weak and defeated. This verse jumped off the pages as I was reading my Bible because it says to me that there is power in my weakness! Don't confuse this as your own power. This power comes from having God in my daily life! In fact, His power shines thru when I feel the most weak! In my weakness, I have learned to depend on Him and trust His plans for my life.

strong woman 2

It may sound strange I know, but the times when I have felt the most weak, overwhelmed or defeated, I have turned to God and found His unconditional love for me and His great power to give me strength to push through.  Those are the times when miracles happen. They are the times when it is apparent that He is at work in my life, and in the choices I must make to grow closer to him.  They are also the times when I must make necessary changes in the direction of my business, making sure it follows His direction.

I don't know what circumstances you are battling today, but I pray that you will find encouragement and strength in this powerful verse. If you are feeling lost on your spiritual journey, I encourage you to seek out a Bible-teaching church in your area. You do not have to be defeated by your health challenges or difficult circumstances. I once heard a wise pastor say, "You may feel defeated, but you do not have to be defeated!" Isn't that a powerful thought? Just because I feel a certain way, doesn't mean I have to be that way!

Learn to rely on God's power in your weaknesses, and you will find a freedom that brings joy despite what's happening around you! I pray that today you feel encouraged and a little stronger as you rely on His power in you!

Blessings Flow From Encouragement

Blessings Flow From Encouragement   By Nancy Alexander

So Grateful to Help You Find What Makes You Come Alive!…

What a responsibility and a blessing it is to be able to teach, help, and encourage so many…  I want to help you find your reason for being — to find what makes you come alive by using all your God-given gifts.  I am passionate about this.  My work, and my business had its core beginnings and base helping others know "They CAN Do It".

I hope you enjoy the video I filmed for you today :)…

We all want success in our lives.  But that success doesn't come without failures, and pain.  It isn't always easy, but it is there waiting for you.  I am here waiting for you.  Yes, you will fall down, but with each fall you get stronger and stronger.  I can honestly say that with every failure, and every fall, I have grown as a woman into the one that God put me on this earth to be.  You will make mistakes.  I have made many mistakes, but these mistakes make us stronger and give us a clearer goal into our life's meaning.

The first think I want you to do is try.  Please don't be afraid of failure.  Without trying, there will be no failure… but at the same time, without trying there will be no success either. I have read that fear paralizes us, and that action gives us courage.  That is SO true.  I was paralized with fear for so many years afraid of how my body would react to everything around me.  "So What?" I've had to tell myself over and over.  "What really will happen if I try?"  Well, I'll fail, but is that a really bad thing?  No, I think not — because I won't always fail.  There will be successes there also that will take me up to heights I never thought I would reach.

I want you to feel alive!  I want you to revel in the JOY that success brings!  I want you to know you don't have to stay where you are if is it a scary place.  I tried stepping out many times, and I failed many times.  But, guess what?  ONE DAY I SUCCEEDED.  That doesn't mean that I never failed again, it just means that I was stronger and took more chances and had more successes than failures.

I am thinking of each of you today.  You are a part of my life.  Your notes and emails bring me joy as I learn that I have, in someway, made a difference to you.

Some Words of Encouragement

"Some Words of Encouragement"   By Nancy Alexander

A Story of Hope…

Today I'd love to share with you a story from my daughter-in-law, Sara. She is the mother of three of my wonderful grandchildren. Sara is always looking for those teachable moments with the children and one came along the day Wyatt brought his Mommy a flower.

While Sara has a love for flowers like I do, she is still new to the world of gardening. It was a couple months ago when she discovered a bag of unplanted bulbs in her garage that had never made it into the ground. Determined to not let them go to waste, Sara and Wyatt (he's 3) worked together to get them in the ground. Several weeks of cold weather that followed left her wondering if those neglected bulbs would survive, but about 2 weeks ago tiny green sprouts begin to peak out of the ground. Everyday, Sara and the kids would check their progress, delighted when little buds began to form. Wyatt was especially excited about the flowers!

One day in his excitement, Wyatt decided to do something really special for his Mommy. He spotted one green shoot standing proudly out of the ground, with yellow bud on top. The flower hadn't opened yet, but that didn't stop Wyatt from snatching it right out of the ground and proudly bringing it to Sara. "This is for you Mommy!"  he said with a sweet smile on his face as he held the stem in his chubby toddler hands.  His older siblings immediately recognized that the flower was not ready to be picked and began lamenting that Wyatt had ruined Mommy's favorite flowers. A conversation on forgiveness and grace quickly happened and all was forgotten. 

Sara was disappointed of course. She too had been waiting with skeptical anticipation to see if those neglected bulbs would actually bloom. But like most days, Sara decided to choose hope and placed the bud in water in a vase of Forsythia stems on her kitchen table. Two mornings later, everyone was delighted to see the bud had opened during the night into a beautiful daffodil.

As the kids looked at the stunning flower, Sara said these powerful words to them, "This flower is just like all the miracles in our lives. We all thought this flower was going to die because it was picked too soon, but God allowed the flower to bloom so we can enjoy it and be reminded of His love for us! You see, we all make messes and mistakes, but God can take our mess and make something beautiful out of it! All we need to do is trust Him!" 

Since that day, the children have delighted in watching the other buds began to open up. So far, no one has picked another daffodil for their Mommy, but I'm sure when they do, Sara will be delighted to receive their gifts of love! 

Whatever challenges you are facing today, I pray that you will be encouraged by Sara's words.

Know that there is no mess that can not be cleaned up by God's loving presence in your life.

He loves you so much and has such wonderful plans for you!