
El Amor de Patricia

"El Amor de Patricia" By, Nancy Alexander

Plans Underway to Help Guatemalan Orphanage

My husband, Steve, and I were touched as we watched friends adopt their little girl, Aven, from Guatemala three years ago.  This country along with their "new" orphanage, "El Amor de Patricia" (The Love of Patricia) need help!  We have not known exactly how God wanted us to help until now.  We feel very strongly that God is leading us to increase awareness, and to raise money for "El Amor de Patricia", an orphanage which is run and operated from donations of others.

El Amor de Patricia (The Love of Patricia)


I want to tell you just a little about our friends we met through the Internet, Jim & Andrea Cockrum.  Jim Cockrum is VERY well known as an Internet Marketer, Leader, and Teacher.  You can type "Jim Cockrum" into Google, and you'll immediately see how often his name comes up.  When I started my "online" career, I purchased a book "The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on Ebay" from Jim.  This was the BEST thing I ever did!  I learned so much from him.  I found out right away that he was a moral, Christian, and trustworthy, man who had the type of Internet business that I wanted to strive for one day.  My goal was that my business, one day, would begin to have the kind of reputation that his business has earned.

As a "newbie" in Internet Marketing, even the easiest of tasks were not easy for me.  I read his book many times;  I studied his book.  Finally I was able to successfully implement one of his ideas into my own business.  This idea greatly affected my traffic, and my sales!  I sent Jim an email thanking him for his book, his ideas, and the way he obviously ran his business — with God at the helm!   Within a few days, I received an email back from Jim wanting to know if he could give me a call.  Of course, I said "yes". 

That was a very encouraging and inspiring call from this "well known" Internet Marketer (or guru, as some would say)!  It was a call that literally changed my business.  Before I knew it, I was highlighted in one of his newsletters which goes out weekly to over 100,000 fans ready to devour his honest, down-to-earth ideas, suggestions, and business insights.  I received coaching from Jim along with many suggestions which helped me grow my own business to be one of importance. 

I learned that I do have something to give others far and above the wreaths I was selling at the time.  After fighting fibromyalgia for so many years, I could encourage, inspire, and train many women who wanted and needed a business.  It had to be a business they could run from home as they dealt with health issues.  I began filming how-to, instructional DVDs on wreath design, writing e-books, and now have a membership site,, with my partner, Linda Joseph.  I could not have done any of this without Jim Cockrum's help and encouragement!

Aven Cockrum:  A Precious Little Girl From Guatemala With "Smiling" Eyes

As we grew to know and appreciate Jim and his family, Jim announced that he and his wife Andrea were adopting their fifth child, Aven.  Aven, who is their third adopted child, was coming from Guatemala.  Steve and I watched with interest and admiration as the Cockrum's moved to Guatemala for over 3 months so they could spend more time with their sweet little one before bringing her back to the United States.  This is when we developed our interest along with a desire to help the children of Guatemala.  As this new orphanage was opened and licensed, we found it was operated only on donations, we knew it was time to do something. 

My husband and I kept up with the adoption process as the Cockrums posted updates about all they were going through completing their adoption, and bringing little Aven home.  As we did, we learned more about "El Amor de Patricia".  It is located near where Jim and Andrea Cockrum adopted Aven, in Mixco, Guatemala…about 20 minutes from Guatemala City.   Most of these children will grow up with the orphanage being their "forever" home because adoptions in Guatemala have now been stopped by the government.  This orphanage is different from the "government owned" homes.  This one is run "family style", which is so wonderful for the children!   There is one Guatemalan family that resides and runs the Hogar at all times!  There are many "helpers" but the kids have one main family unit to turn to.  This way, they learn about love, parental authority, and family as a result.  This is something so many orphanages DO NOT teach!

The director of this orphanage is Tamara Hillstrom.  She has moved bureaucratic MOUNTAINS to get a non-profit orphanage set up since adoptions were shut down.  She has a true PASSION for the orphans of Guatemala, and has adopted three daughters from there as a single Mother.  The orphanage is named after Tamara's mother, Patricia, who was a fairly renowned philanthropic patron of those in desperate need.  Her daughter learned from the BEST!  El Amor de Patricia has received approval from ALL levels of the Guatemalan government and is now receiving babies on a daily basis.  These babies are coming from hospitals, and from people who are "finding" babies and bringing them in. 

Below, you can see pictures of some "little ones" who are in the orphanage today!


Newest Little "Angels" arrive at  "El Amor de Patricia" 

Our hearts have been touched;
God has begun a work in us



FUNDRAISER FOR “El Amour de Patricia”!

We had mentioned to Jim on a couple of occasions that we wanted to do something to raise money and awareness for this very special orphanage.  So, Jim and I, along with my partner, Linda Joseph, recorded a planning session/conference call last Monday. 

It is time to raise much needed funds and awareness for this very special place for children who cannot be cared for by their parents in their own homes.  The children in this country are born into EXTREME POVERTY!  Over 75% of its people live below the poverty level.  So many times parents just simply do not have the means to care for a child.  They do not believe in abortion, so they give birth to their babies and try to care for them.

Soon after the birth, many of these mothers realize they cannot care for their newborns.  Many are abandoned on the doorsteps of someone whom they think will take care of their babies.  But, unfortunately, others are abandoned in locations where they cannot be rescued and cared for.  They are left alone to die in horrendous circumstances!

 Tamara Hillstrom & her Mother Patricia


El Amor de Patricia survives on donations.  They also use these donations to help children in their surrounding area, not just those in their orphanage.  The staff of the orphanage uses donations from people like us to help those in the surrounding community.  For instance, a large majority of the children in this area do not have mattresses.  "El Amor de Patricia" has already delivered some sets of bunk beds to several families after raising money for them stateside.  Usually one mattress will sleep 4-5 kiddos…smile – with lots of "sleepovers" after the staff delivers bunkbeds!   


We are working on a section of the recording that can be used in promoting this fund-raiser.  Jim, Andrea, and myself, along with many others want to get the word out to as many people as possible, to our lists, to our friends, and whoever can and will help us raise this much needed money.

We are still working on all the logistics such as sales pages, product pages, and more.  People are already donating their products and services to be sold or auctioned off during a week long period (date to be announced soon).  We already getting promises of products such as special numbered prints by Andrea, DVDs which teach floral design, and Instructional e-books from me, and Internet marketing books and courses from Linda Joseph and Susan Whitehead.  I will be donating a HUGE $400.00 wreath to be auctioned off by Jim on eBay!

So, if you have any products or services, you would like to donate, please let me know as soon as possible.  We are putting together the products page right now which will be sent out to as many people as possible.

For More Information on Donations, or to Make a Pledge: 
Please contact me:!

If you have a product you would like to have Jim auction off for you, please let us know. 
And, others may just want to make a donation.


Whatever you can do will be GREATLY appreciated by these precious, precious “Little Angels”!



El Amor de Patricia (The Love of Patricia)

Click here to see their FACEBOOK page or their WEBSITE.

Click here to see updates on my FACEBOOK page.

(There will be MORE Information Coming Very Soon!)

Smiles & Blessings… Nancy 


This is Why…

"This is Why…" By, Nancy Alexander

Your Emails are the Reason Why

I received  this  email this morning.  When I get emails such as this (and I receive them weekly, sometimes daily), my heart is broken.   It is broken because ladies, and sometimes men too, go through extreme pain, hurt, withdrawal, and even disbelief from doctors, friends and family when they come down with this mysterious ailment — Fibromyalgia.  They have to go way too long before finding the correct help and cure!  AND YES… THERE IS A CURE!!


Most of you know that mine started when I was 28.  I am now 60!  That was thirty-two years ago!!!!!! When are things going to change?  When are these ladies going to receive, first of all… understanding and belief that they are really sick, along with sympathy, and help from their own family members, and the top notch medical care they need and deserve from our many "learned" physicians in our advanced and educated country for this illness???




I become overwhelmed with anger from time to time knowing the despair and hopelessness these women feel as they are fighting a battle for their very lives, and it hit me this morning.  So many women write me for help!  I want to help them!  I want to tell them exactly what to do to get well!  I want to tell them they ARE NOT crazy!  I want to tell their husbands, their children, and their friends that they need respect, they need comfort, they need top notch medical care along with BELIEF that they are really sick with a "legitimate" disease!


I have told my husband soooo many times that I had wished to have been diagnosed with cancer instead… or with a heart-attack… or with some other "horrible" disease.  At least if I had been diagnosed with one of those people would have really believed I was sick.  But in 1978 and 1979, people didn't believe me — they thought it was "in my head", and doctors actually told me it was "housewife syndrome"!


Okay, Nancy… calm down!  Today is not 1979.  Fibromyalgia has been proven absolutely and without a doubt to be a disease; to be a horrible, debilitating disease, which not only hurts the person who has it, but every single person that they love and care for!   A chronic disease of any type affects every person in their household.


So, today as I read this email (as I do all of the others I receive) and see that people are still suffering before they get help, I get really angry!  This is totally unnecessary for someone to have to feel the shame and embarrassment that I felt for sooo many years.


But now, I can thank God for my illness, my pain and for each step along the way in my life because I CAN encourage, help and support women who cannot find the help they need right away!  I can show them love! I can tell them they are not alone!  I can tell them that I understand!


Email from a young woman in California:

"First of all I would like to thank you for sharing your story. I am a 27  year old woman who has and is going thru several health issues. I also struggle with Fibromyalgia.

 This started when I was 24 and only a year into marriage. This kept me in bed rest because I wasn't able to walk or do much for myself. My wonderful husband, who has stood by my side thru all of this, would have to even bathe me and brush my hair because I couldn't do any of this for myself.


I went thru depression, anxiety and panic attacks because no Doctor knew what I had. Finally they diagnosed me w/Fibromyalgia and with a virus called mycoplasma. I felt no desire to live at times because I did not want to spend the rest of my life in such misery. Needles to say I wasn't able to work and help bring money into our household; which made me feel worthless.


It was thru those darkest times that I found God. With time, some treatments and with our Lord's grace I have been recuperating. I even went on my first jog again. That was something I thought would never be possible again. God has been so good to me and blessed me with my husbands love and support.


Now we are struggling with starting a family because I started pre-menopause at the age of 22. I wanted to keep my mind and body occupied and away from negative thoughts and since I made some of my own Christmas decorations last year I thought I'd give it a try and sell some…THAT IS HOW I CAME TO FIND YOU.  Who has inspired me and given me some confidence.


I purchased your Secret Vendor List back in May and I am purchasing things and getting things ready to start making and selling Christmas wreaths….."



So, I have let off some steam this morning!  I have let out some of the anger that engulfs me from time to time.  This young woman went for 5 years before finding out what was wrong. EVEN FIVE YEARS is WAY too long to suffer without knowing what is wrong!


I fought with every ounce of strength in my body for almost 25 years before getting a correct diagnosis and receiving proper medical care.  I had to do the research and find out by myself what was wrong with me…while fighting a battle all alone! 


It is now my God-Inspired goal to reach these women and help them get the proper medical care they need and deserve!


I read this prayer this morning posted by another young woman struggling with Fibromyalgia right now — it is truly beautiful, and touched my heart.  I hope it will touch yours too!


"Be present, Lord, among us and bring us to believe we are ourselves accepted and meant to love and live.  Teach us to care for people, for all, not just some, to love them as we find them or as they may become.  let Your acceptance change us, so that we may be moved to practice Your acceptance, until we know by heart the table of forgiveness and laughter's healing art."




Fibromyalgia…Yes, I am Being Cured!


"I Can Be Cured" By, Nancy Alexander

From Fibro… to Freedom


I want to start doing a series of posts about how Fibromyalgia affected my body – explaining some facts about each symptom to you.  There is now lots of help for Fibromyalgia, and eventually a cure!

By doing this, it is my hope that you will begin to understand exactly how some of these strange and often misunderstood symptoms truly do affect you AND ARE REAL!  If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, you'll be more informed as you understand what is going on with your body — and — information in addition to understanding goes hand in hand in leading to a cure.

I suffered physically and painfully for many years with my entire body hurting – even my skin!  Also during these years, I also suffered much stress, embarrassment, and misunderstanding from doctors, family and friends when I would try to tell them how and where I hurt.  At times, this made me doubt myself!  Then, there were other times when I was just plain "mad" because no one could tell me what was going on and no one would believe me.

I want to tell you just a little today about how my skin hurt.  I know it sounds strange to say that my skin hurt, but it did!  Pants with a waistband hurt me, in addition to bra straps, tight collars, socks, and even shoes.  No blue jeans for me…they hurt my legs when I sat down.  I even went for several years not being able to wear a bra, so I would wear baggy clothes in layers to keep people from noticing.  Even temperatures, either hot or cold, gave me severe pain!  Deciding what to wear every day became a dreaded chore.  For me, as well as many of you who suffer from Fibromyalgia, this can cause awful, unbelievably intense pain.

First of all, I had a very low pain threshold as do most sufferers from Fibro.  This low pain threshold is a point where sensations you feel become pain.  This usually varies from person to person, but this threshold is much lower in people who suffer from this horrible disease.   A low pain threshold results in a particular form of pain which is called "allodynia". 

A definition of "allodynia" is pain, generally on the skin, that is caused by something that wouldn't normally cause pain.  Some of this pain can be caused by mild pressure which may come from a light touch, gentle massages, or sheets rubbing against the skin.

These pain signals originate within specialized nerves called nociceptors that sense information about things like temperature and painful stimuli from the skin.  This type of pain can go into other areas such as neuropathy, neuralgia, and migraine headaches.

Most of my pain which came from simple touches felt like having a sunburn all of the time.  This makes your clothes feel like sandpaper and a light touch can feel like searing pain.

I went through an awful time in my life where it hurt me to hug someone, to shake someone's hand, or to even be patted on the back.  I would find myself cowering back from any type of touch. I even sat on a pillow for many years as hard seats hurt.  My husband says that during these years, it was awful for him as well as for me because he could not roll over and put his arm around me in bed.  We slept as far apart as we could in a king size bed because I hurt so badly.

Thanks to the steps I am taking now, I can wear (tight)blue jeans, I wear a bra again (whoopie!!), and my husband can keep his arm around me all night…which he does (that is such a marvelous feeling — Thank You God!!) 

I'll be talking more and more about the symptoms of Fibromyalgia as I also talk about what is beginning to actually CURE me!

Don't give up!  PLEASE do not give up!!! I almost did,and now my life is so totally different.  I am blessed, I am almost cured, and I truly believe with all my heart that you can be too!

Smiles… Nancy




I Love Vacations


"I Love Vacations" By, Nancy Alexander

Probably for Reasons Different Than Most

Yes, I know…Everyone Loves Vacations!

My reasons are different than most.  Truthfully, I have always loved vacations.  As a child we didn't have much money, but my daddy made sure our family of five would have a vacation every single summer! 

Daddy saved quarters all year long.  I could hear him each day as he returned home from work, taking them out of his "pocket change" as he dropped them into a brass jug which sat on the fireplace mantle.  We would sometimes only be able to stay for three nights, then as the years passed, it was a Week Long Trip!  These were very special weeks for my sisters and I growing up. 

We stayed at the very same place the first week of June in Myrtle Beach, SC every single year.  We would arrive around lunchtime on a Sunday afternoon and watch for a family with girls the same age as us to arrive from Ohio.  They came the very same week every single year too.  Daddy made sure we also had the money to eat a nice seafood meal once during the week, and a nice breakfast out once also.  The rest of the time, our mother prepared a big meal at lunchtime every day in that tiny "kitchenette".  We enjoyed those meals so much as three little girls very always very hungry after swimming all morning long. 

The first few years after Steve and I married, we had wonderful vacations too.  We went to the beach — Myrtle, of course — as that was where each of our families had spent vacation time every year.  We also visited the mountains when we got a chance.

Then, a few years after our boys were born, I was stricken with this strange illness which stopped our vacations for the most part.  Sure, there were years or maybe only months at a time when I felt a little better and we could go back to our "favorite" beach.  But those trips were few and far between.  Any extra money was spent on doctor, after doctor, after doctor as well as different "miracle" drugs, and strange "holistic" cures which never worked. 

I finally diagnosed myself with Fibromyalgia after being sick for at least 15 years.  Honestly, I don't know why it was so important to be diagnosed because there was still no help, and the doctors still tried the same drugs.  The only good thing that came out of being diagnosed was my own peace of mind. 

After being told it was either "housewife syndrome" or "in my head" or "severe depression" time and time again, I was somewhat relieved that I could finally tell people:  "See!  I really am sick!  I told you I was!"  But, where was the cure?  Why didn't I get better since I had been diagnosed?  The pain, the stress of having a "chronic" illness, and the unreasonable thoughts of others just added to what I was already feeling — I had no hope!  For me, the cure didn't come for 16 more years.

I know…I am sure…I am totally convinced that God used this time, and this pain to grow me into the person I am today for a reason.  I receive emails from women just like me who have gone undiagnosed for many years.  They are hopeless and they feel like they are loosing their minds — just as I did.  Some of them consider suicide…yes…just as I did!

But they are not loosing their minds!  Fibromyalgia has now FINALLY been proven to be a legitimate disease.  There is hope and there is a cure!  I know because I am now being cured of this insidious, misunderstood disease.  I have a ministry over that reaches women all over the world through the "web".  I encourage and support these women by telling them what I went through and show them where I am today.  I give God ALL the Praise and the Glory!


So… Why Is This Post Called "I Love Vacations"?


The reason is… my husband Steve and I just returned from a wonderful vacation!  God has sent the right people into my life at just the right time.  I am being healed, I do eat a special diet, and I do take just the right supplements, and I am getting off any prescription drugs (there were not many) that I was on.  I am able to enjoy life again!  I want each of you to join me on this path too! 

We spent two days with our children and grand-children in Charleston, SC.  That was so much fun!  And, we got to attend a GREAT service at New Spring Charleston!  Here are pictures of Matt and Sara at work along with pictures of Lucas and Ava learning about the Fruits of the Spirit!~  Our son Matt is Production Director at New Spring Charleston, and our daughter-in-law, Sara is acting in a play in Kid Spring Charleston.  Little Wyatt is busy breaking all the hearts in the nursery!  We are so very proud of them and their work there!

Lucas Practicing Ava Enjoying a Song Singing About Fruits of the Spirit
Sara Acting on Stage at Kid Spring Charleston Matt - an Impressive and Hard Job as Production Director

I am going to be talking more about my diet and my cure for Fibromyalgia in more posts.  But, for today, I wanted to share a few pictures with you of our wonderful vacation.  Vacations for me these days are more special than for most.  You see…I was sure I would never again be able to travel and enjoy life the way my husband and I are enjoying it now. 

Just looking at the sites as we ride down a long highway has a special meaning now.  Simple things like walking on the beach while holding hands with my husband, and feeling the sand squish up between my toes brings such joy.  I thank God for each sunrise and sunset that I can watch over the deep blue ocean!  Each day that I can enjoy on this earth with my husband, our children and grand-children is such a special gift from God!

I didn't have Internet access for most of our 10 day vacation.  I thought that I would, and I took my laptop with me along with my bag of "office supplies" that I was sure I would need.  But God took care of that for me…He knew I needed a rest so that is what I got… a most wonderful, restful vacation.

We have been talking about Internet businesses in our membership site lately;  It is wonderful to be an Internet Entrepreneur and have a business that is run on auto-pilot while I am away.  I don't believe there was a single day while we were gone that I didn't have money coming in.  Now, this type of business is by far better that the storefront business I used to have!


My Heart Aches With Yours…

"My Heart Aches With Yours…my Love" By, Nancy Alexander

As I am Saddened by the Loss of Your Dear Friend

My heart aches with yours… my love,
As you are saddened by the loss of a dear friend…
He left this earth to join God above, but that is NOT the end.

My arms reach out to surround you…
To comfort and to love…
Desiring to wipe away the pain you feel…
With a heart knowing God awaited him above.

In His mansions of glory and His streets paved with gold,
Your friend’s life has just begun for Eternity we’re told.
He feels no pain, only Happiness, Joy and Peace…
For he is near God with Crowns of Gold at His feet.

I feel an ache within your soul…
Because we share a oneness that makes us whole.
My heart sees your eyes wet with tears…
I need to wrap my arms around you and be near.

Although I met this friend of yours only once upon a time,
The remembrances of that short meeting will forever be on my mind.
I remember the pride you took in your introductions that day…
Anxious for me to meet a man who worked right across the way.
And anxious for him to meet me, your wife…
Filled me with pride and joy that I am sharing your life.

His smile drew me in just as, I’m sure, it did you…
I know he was a good man with a good heart too.
Many words you have spoken of him flood my thoughts today…
I feel as though I knew him well through those many words you’d say.

There were words of admiration as well as sympathy too…
As you watched him struggle day after day with nothing you could do.
He was a good man with a good heart and soul…
I know that from YOU, my love…if the truth be told.

Many things his heart desired that his body just could not do…
You feel a deep loss today as I do along with you.
Your friends are friends of mine, my dear…
Your admirations shared too…
And heart-felt hurts felt deeply within, as I grieve along with you.

My arms are holding you…
My lips are touching yours…
My heart feels your heart's pain…
Nothing in this life is in vain.

I Thank God every day that we are one…
Sharing our lives, thoughts and dreams because of the "Son".
I love you my darling… Laney


I wrote this poem yesterday morning and sent it to my husband at work 
after he found that a dear friend from work had died over the weekend.