
Life is Wonderfully Exciting and Busy

"Life is Wonderfully Exciting" By, Nancy Alexander

The Alexander Family has  New Addition!..

I must start this post with a picture of our newest addition to the Alexander family!  Wyatt Thomas Alexander was born August 7th!  He is so precious and absolutely PERFECT!  This makes our fourth.  I have always heard that being a grandparent just cannot compare with anything else — well, they were right!  Our four "grands" are the JOY of our lives!  We thank God for them every single day!  In the picture below, Ava Grace wants to unwrap Wyatt to check him out.  She thinks he is one of her baby dolls!  So SWEET!

I am very frantic, rushed, excited, and busy today.  But I thought this day was worth taking a few minutes to post in Nancy's Ramblings.  I'm sure most of you know by now that Steve and I are putting the finishing touches on my *SECRET* Vendor's Supplier list. 


"The FIRST Secret List of Floral Design Suppliers — EVER PUBLISHED!


We have worked more hours that we ever believed was possible.  We have had detours which stopped this process cold!  But we have had many miracles which have rejuvenated our lives, our hearts, and our work.  The last few months have been full of excitement, JOY, and work.  This eBook has taken on a mind of its own.  It has grown to be wonderfully exciting and is so full of pertinent information that my customers will just not believe it when they finally get their hands on it.  I can hardly believe how God has inspired us in so many ways.

We have talked to suppliers and gathered together information that I have collected over the last 25 years.  Each day I remember more and more exciting things that I want you to know that I did not know when starting my own business.  This information about going to market, about purchasing from wholesale suppliers without letting them know that you are a "newbe" to the business, will help you so very much!  Oh, how I wish I had been able to purchase a list like this one when I first started!!

I truly DO NOT believe there is a list out there right now like this one for sale, ANYWHERE!!  I want my customers and friends to have all the information in one place that I had to dig, scrape and search for in the many years I was operating a business.

Okay, enough about the book! Except, we should be finished by this weekend – for those of you who have been waiting and waiting and waiting!  I do promise you it will DEFINITELY be worth the wait!  Now… Many other exciting happenings are going on at Ladybug Wreaths


I have an advertisement coming out in Country Sampler magazine.  It has already been mailed to subscribers and will be online at by this weekend.  It will hit the newsstands starting October 1st!  I will have a huge wreath featured in a room scene along with information about purchasing and ordering wreaths on the opposite page.  Also featured are my instructional wreath-making videos.  So, take a look if you get a chance.  If you don't subscribe to the magazine, you can purchase one after October 1st, or you can go online to view their newest edition. 

This is VERY exciting for me as Country Sampler has 350,000 to 400,000 subscribers, plus 1,000,000 readers!  WOW, that literally takes my breath away!

Turning 60… The Best is Yet to Come…

Upset??   Should I be upset that I will soon be turning 60?

No, My best years are yet to come! 

WOW, as I think about 60 years, that is a LONG time!  I think back and try to remember things that have happened in my life.  I am realizing that trying to remember 60 years worth of living is almost impossible.  We always remember milestones in our lives:  I remember that at 3 years old, my twin sisters were born – and how very proud I was!  I remember walking down the aisle at 12 years old, giving my heart to Jesus – knowing that He truly was my Savior and Lord.  I remember renewing my life and my faith to Him again when I was 37.  I remember my wedding day…how sweet and special that was – walking down that same aisle again, but this time to join my heart and my life forever with my True Love – Stephen Danner Alexander.  We were so young, and so much in love…thinking that our lives would always be so filled with the wonderful feelings we enjoyed that day.  I remember the birth of each of my children and how my heart overflowed with JOY, fear, and overwhelming responsibility — JOY won out!


Unfortunately, times of pain, fear, and uncertainty fill a lot of my memories.  Then there are times of death — my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, my parents, and Steve's dad.   Many years of pain, and fear that I would never be well again (or that no one would believe me or find out exactly what was wrong) always come to mind when remembering the past.  There are sooo many times in my life that I would NEVER like to remember or think of again; and there are so many memories that I want to hold in my heart forever!

I now know that the times in my life which were filled with pain and struggles are the times that God was working on me…pruning me…snipping here and snipping there to grow my Faith in Him like I never experienced before.  I thank God every day for each season of my life because it drew me closer to Him and to the ones I love.  He loves me, He leads me, and I only want what He has for me every single day for the rest of my life.

I do so desperately want to remember all of the everyday occurrences which filled most of my 60 years…special – loving times with Steve and our boys; Matt and Andy.  There were days filled with first boo-boo's, crawling, first steps, first words, and then as years went by…first days of school including tears – mine – not theirs.  The times I left little boys at camp for an entire week, only to pick up a much older – bigger, more grown up boy at the week's end were sooo emotional, but sooo special.  The talks and laughter with our boys, the walks, playing kickball, and numerous other games were so much fun for us all. 

And how could I forget first dates, the first time each son drove out of the driveway alone…by himself…with me praying him back home safely!  Sports were so important, as was music, board games, family gatherings, "tickle my back Mama", "scratch my hair Mom", ohhhh, so many special memories flood my brain as I am writing.  And then…their wedding days!  And just when you think the milestones can't get any sweeter, you experience the birth of your first grandchild.  Sooner than you can change a diaper, we had three more!  This is good!  Special memories, fond thoughts, and loving feelings…Oh, God, please never let me forget these!  Let them come back to my mind as each year of my life continues to come quicker and quicker.

My life has changed, it is different now.  I am a different person thanks to God's pruning.  I now enjoy and appreciate life, God's love, and family more than ever before.  Things that I have always thought were important are no longer important…they just aren't!  God, and his promise of eternal life is important!  Loving, caring, and sharing with my husband is important.  Somehow making a difference in the lives of our four grandchildren, so that they always remember "Mimi & Poppy" is important.  Seeing our boys as men — good Christian men with wonderful, God-loving wives is important.  Watching how they love, provide for, and care for their families is important.  Watching them as Dads is important.

Thank you Lord!  I cannot begin to count my blessings.  I could go on and on and on.  I am so thankful you are now leading my and my husband's lives.  I look forward to the days, months, and years we have left on this earth.

Again…NO…I am NOT upset that I will soon turn 60.  My very best years in life are yet to come.  I know who and what to appreciate now.  I know better how to love those who are important, and how to help those who are in need.

 We are only promised today, and today I will make the most of every single moment enjoying life to its fullest!!!



Grateful for Grandchildren


Looking out of my big office window this morning,  I am so thankful to God for our family and the many blessings we have. I am so grateful to live in a country where there is peace – freedom to worship where we choose – homes where we feel safe and secure.  I am reminded of all that is going on in this world around us.  I want to keep others in my prayers today!  Steve and I are soooo blessed with strong, beautiful, and healthy grandchildren….



Ava Grace will soon turn two years old.  She is such a special little girl.  And she is all girl… a girly girl… a little "Diva" lol.  Steve and I always say if we are ever running low on JOY, and SMILES, then this is where we need to go.  She has plenty to share and keeps us smiling! Ava Grace talks nonstop.  And the newest thing right now is that she adds an "s" to every thing.  So she calls herself "Abas", I am "Mimis" and Steve is "Poppies".  We absolutely LOVE it!  Sooooo Precious!

Lucas is almost five years old!  I can hardly believe it.  We had a very special day with him a week ago checking out Clemson University.  He got to walk on the field – Death Valley – touch the rock, and run down the hill just as all the football players do.  That was such a wonderful day of laughter and smiles! 

Special moments between Grandfather and Grandson !  Yup, you guessed it!  They are discussing "Tiger Football".  Lucas is sooo smart, he took everything in and asked many questions.  He  got to go down on the field, and have his picture made with a Clemson Football Player!  Memorable Day!

And last, but not least is Austin…. He is almost 7 1/2 months old.  He was born December 6th, but was not due until the middle to the end of February.  Austin weighed 3lbs, 5 oz. at birth and was in the neonatal unit in Greenville, SC for many weeks.  But now just look at him – growing like a weed, and the most infectious smile you have ever seen.  He is such a Miracle, and a happy, happy, little boy!  He is smiling and laughing just about all the time.  And…he loves his bed!  (Takes after his daddy, I think!)



 And here is our latest little miracle!   In this picture, Wyatt Thomas Alexander was only one day old!  He weighed 8lbs, 1oz., and is precious!  I'll write more about him with more pictures in my next post, but I just had to go back and add him to this list of our grandchildren from my older post.  We now have FOUR!  Yea!!!!! Thank you God!  

Grateful For Our Many Blessings

I am very grateful to be able to begin a New Year with so many blessings of my wonderful family; Steve, our sons, daughters-in-law, and our precious grandchildren!  There are many wonderful things going on in our lives and in my business.



Some days are hard still feeling my fibromyalgia pain, so I look to the Lord on these days…And yes it is there: 
God is so amazing!  Here are a few words which calm my soul…
"When ye pray, believe"  (Mark 11:24).  When there is a matter that requires definite prayer,
Pray till you believe God, until with unfeigned lips you can thank Him for the answer.
"For we which have believed do enter into rest" (Heb. 4:3).  
The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.  Meuller  
Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but a taking God at His word.   Evans   



You will never learn faith in comfortable surroundings.  God gives us the promises in a quiet hour;  God seals our covenants with great and gracious words, then He steps back and wants to see how much we believe; then He lets the tempter come, and the test seems to contradict all that He has spoken.  It is then that faith wins its crown.  That is the time to look up through the storm, and among the trembling, frightened seamen cry, "I believe God that is shall be even as it was told me."  

This new year brings so many things that I am also very grateful for.   Matt and Sara sold the house they moved out of in September, moving into a newly purchased house right before Ava was born.  They rushed the move so they would not have to bring home a new baby and then have to go to the trouble of showing a house, and move afterward.  Well, this was right before the economy took a more severe turn for the worse, leaving this young family having to pay two house payments for the last five months. 

So, Thank You Lord, that their house has sold, and they can begin to get finances in order again (which, of course they will – I only wish we were as smart with our money in our twenties and early thirties). I am also grateful that Stephanie, Andy's wife, is now doing fine since she was robbed at the bank where she is head teller.  This was a terrifying experience for her, but she handled it just like she was trained to do.No one knew they were being robbed until after the robber left.  This crazy man went on to rob three other banks in the area, but I saw on the news tonight where he was caught. 

Thank you Lord! I am very grateful that "Nana", my husband's Mother is back at home and recovering from dislocating both shoulders.  This has been a hard journey for her.  She is such a strong woman of faith and of body. I only hope I can be half as strong as she when I am 85 years old. I am grateful that we can begin the new year with bright eyed anticipation looking forward to all that God has in store for us.  I just know that there are amazing blessings in our horizon.


I am also grateful that I went on my "fibro" diet when I did almost three years ago.  I truly believe that had I not taken matters into my own hands and studied and followed my Doctor's suggestions that I would probably be in a wheel chair by now.  My fibromyalgia was so severe that I could hardly function – as a matter of fact, I couldn't!  Now, I can run my own eBay store and website, and am an Internet Marketing Consultant!  Yes, I know – a big title – but that just means I can set up websites, blogs, and mailing list tracking, and adwords to help other businesses with their dreams!  God is so Good! 


As a matter of fact, last week while my sweet husband was out for the Holidays, I set up a blog site for him.   He has been a poet for years, and of course, I think has done a wonderful job with each and every poem.  He now has a site where he can post and share them.  He writes about real-life situations which involve our friends and family.  Each and every one is touching, and humorous.  Hop on over and read some,   I'm sure you'll enjoy them too!


I have been meaning to write for a long time about Nana.  And, well today just seems like the right time.

Nana is my husband's Mother. and I consider her to be the matriarch of our family.  You know, the one everyone wants to be like, the one we look up to, and the one we admire so very much.  Our Nana is 85 years young.  And when I say young, I mean it.  Nana has more strength – mentally, and physically that I can only hope and pray to possess. 


Since I married her son 36 years ago, my goal has been to become the same type of mother-in-law to my son's wives as she has been to me.  I'm sure I'm not measuring up to her, but it's nice to have such a loving, sweet Christian woman with such a giving heart to strive to be like.



This is Nana in the picture above meeting her very first Granddaughter, Ava.  So very precious!

Nana just happens to be the best cook EVER!! 

Her hometown is Iva, South Carolina, and in this small town, everyone knows
"Nana" will be there with food whenever they need it. 
When they have bake sales at her hometown church, all of her goodies such as cakes,
cookies, banana breads, etc. are reserved and sold before she even arrives with them.

So… I have decided it would be nice to start posting Nana's recipes from time to time on my blog. 
These are just too wonderful not share them with the rest of the world.

The first recipe I want to share with you is:

Nana's "First Place, Award Winning – SWEET POTATO SURPRISE CAKE !"



This Sweet Potato Cake was the Grand Prize Winner at "Depot Days" in Iva, SC in 2007. 

Nana always has entries in these festivals which come in First Place, or at least Second Place. 
She was not able to enter this year because of a serious fall. 
She was walking on her treadmill and fell off dislocating both shoulders. 
That was four months ago,  and she is back at home, but needs your prayers to fully recover. 
This has been very traumatic for a woman who is as involved as she is in her church, and her hometown.
So… Please… Won't you Pray for our "Nana"!




OK, I know you're waiting on pins and needles for this wonderful recipe so here it is:


Sweet Potato Surprise Cake:

1 1/2 cups vegetable oil 2 cups sugar 4 eggs – separated 4 Tablespoons hot water 2 1/2 cups cake flour – sifted 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 1/2 cups grated raw sweet potatoes 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine cooking oil, sugar and beat well.  Add egg yolks and blend well.  Add hot water then the dry ingredients which have been sifted together.  Stir in grated potatoes, nuts, and vanilla and beat well.  Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into mixture.  Bake in 3 greased 8" layer pans (she puts down a wax paper liner), and bake at 350  D. for 25 – 30 minutes.  Let layers cool good before frosting.



1 lg. and 1 sm. can of evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 1/2 sticks margarine 3 egg yolks 1 3/4 cups coconut

Combine milk, sugar, margarine, egg yolks and vanilla in a sauce pan.  Cook over medium heat about 10 or 12 minutes, stirring constantly until mixture thickens.  Remove from heat and add coconut.  Beat and let it get almost cold and it will spread better.

The ironic part is that, since I have Celiac disease, and am allergic to wheat, I have never been able to taste this cake.  But I can tell you that it smells absolutely scrumptious, and everyone wants more and more – one piece of this cake is NEVER enough!


Thank you Nana for loving me and welcoming me with such love into your family when I married you son!

I love you Deeply!       Nancy