Good Article on Having Surgery With Fibromyalgia

Surgery When Suffering From
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue

by Adrienne Dellwo

I read this informative article by Adrienne Dwllwo about how to prepare to go through surgery when you suffer from Fibro & Chronic Fatique…

"Fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) both can be exacerbated by physical trauma. It's common for people with these conditions to be especially concerned when facing surgery. They're generally worried that their condition(s) are likely to flare afterward, which may complicate recovery.

So far, we have very little research-based knowledge of the impact of surgery on FMS or ME/CFS or how our symptoms impact the recovery process. However, a couple of researchers have put together recommendations for us based on their knowledge of the conditions and what they've observed in their patients.

These experts are The Fibromyalgia Information Foundation, which was founded by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University, and Charles W. Lapp, MD, who founded the Hunter-Hopkins Center in Charlotte, NC, which specializes in FMS and ME/CFS.

The specific issues we could face after surgery are numerous. Here are those that are pointed out by the experts mentioned above as well as a couple of other considerations, as well as what you can do about each one."

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