I've Been Busy!
I can hardly believe it's been so long since I posted!
Way too much has been going on all at one time, and most of you know when that happens, Fibro flares up. Well, that's just what mine did.
Let me tell you what I've been doing.
First, we finished all the last-minute details on my latest wreath-making book:
"Make Your Own Wreaths"
This book was released just about 6 weeks ago now. I can hardly believe it, but over two thousand copies have been sold already. Not only that, but Hobby Lobby has ordered 900+, and Michael's has ordered a sizeable number.
I haven't seen them in the stores yet, have you? If you see it, I would absolutely LOVE for you to take a photo of yourself holding this book right in the store and send it to me. We are going to have a contest where we pick a winner from this group – you may be the one to win a great prize!!
So, After My Book Came Out
I Hosted a Tea Party at our Home!
Everyone had a wonderful time! We really went all out with tables filled with 'Southern' food! Over 30 people attended as we all learned so much from our two special presenters.
First there was Sims Pottery. Stacey Sims and their designer Laura Miller put on an amazing demonstration about a new and different style of deco mesh wreath design.
Then, Lauren Schuman and her husband Tom were here to tell us how they have grossed over three quarters of a million dollars on Amazon in less than two years.
Next, I had to Jump on Finishing My Story:
"My Journey Through Fibromyalgia"
Rumors, Ravages & The Rescue
It is finally finished! I am thrilled! I am tired! I am excited! And… I am a little scared of putting the book about 'me' out there for sale. I'll be receiving the edited copy back from my editor today. Hopefully it will be out for sale sometime around the first of September.
I hope you are doing well! I have missed blogging about life, health and loosing weight! I guess you can tell that the weight part was sort of put on the side for a while. 🙂 Now, I have to get back at it.
Thanks for joining me on my personal blog. Watch for more information about my latest book. I may share the new cover design with you soon, and see what you think!
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy you and the Jesus is Calling posts. I am not a craft person(my daughter is) but I really like seeing your things. You enspire me as a woman (I am 75 ) and would love to meet you. However, I live in CA. I will be looking for your book
Thanks for your sweet note Dale. I love starting my day with Jesus Calling, and thought many of you might also.
It would be nice to meet – such a long way from me… 🙂
Hopefully, the book will be out soon.
Blessings, Nancy