Tag Archive | grateful

Grateful For Our Many Blessings

I am very grateful to be able to begin a New Year with so many blessings of my wonderful family; Steve, our sons, daughters-in-law, and our precious grandchildren!  There are many wonderful things going on in our lives and in my business.



Some days are hard still feeling my fibromyalgia pain, so I look to the Lord on these days…And yes it is there: 
God is so amazing!  Here are a few words which calm my soul…
"When ye pray, believe"  (Mark 11:24).  When there is a matter that requires definite prayer,
Pray till you believe God, until with unfeigned lips you can thank Him for the answer.
"For we which have believed do enter into rest" (Heb. 4:3).  
The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.  Meuller  
Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but a taking God at His word.   Evans   



You will never learn faith in comfortable surroundings.  God gives us the promises in a quiet hour;  God seals our covenants with great and gracious words, then He steps back and wants to see how much we believe; then He lets the tempter come, and the test seems to contradict all that He has spoken.  It is then that faith wins its crown.  That is the time to look up through the storm, and among the trembling, frightened seamen cry, "I believe God that is shall be even as it was told me."  

This new year brings so many things that I am also very grateful for.   Matt and Sara sold the house they moved out of in September, moving into a newly purchased house right before Ava was born.  They rushed the move so they would not have to bring home a new baby and then have to go to the trouble of showing a house, and move afterward.  Well, this was right before the economy took a more severe turn for the worse, leaving this young family having to pay two house payments for the last five months. 

So, Thank You Lord, that their house has sold, and they can begin to get finances in order again (which, of course they will – I only wish we were as smart with our money in our twenties and early thirties). I am also grateful that Stephanie, Andy's wife, is now doing fine since she was robbed at the bank where she is head teller.  This was a terrifying experience for her, but she handled it just like she was trained to do.No one knew they were being robbed until after the robber left.  This crazy man went on to rob three other banks in the area, but I saw on the news tonight where he was caught. 

Thank you Lord! I am very grateful that "Nana", my husband's Mother is back at home and recovering from dislocating both shoulders.  This has been a hard journey for her.  She is such a strong woman of faith and of body. I only hope I can be half as strong as she when I am 85 years old. I am grateful that we can begin the new year with bright eyed anticipation looking forward to all that God has in store for us.  I just know that there are amazing blessings in our horizon.


I am also grateful that I went on my "fibro" diet when I did almost three years ago.  I truly believe that had I not taken matters into my own hands and studied and followed my Doctor's suggestions that I would probably be in a wheel chair by now.  My fibromyalgia was so severe that I could hardly function – as a matter of fact, I couldn't!  Now, I can run my own eBay store and website, and am an Internet Marketing Consultant!  Yes, I know – a big title – but that just means I can set up websites, blogs, and mailing list tracking, and adwords to help other businesses with their dreams!  God is so Good! 


As a matter of fact, last week while my sweet husband was out for the Holidays, I set up a blog site for him.   He has been a poet for years, and of course, I think has done a wonderful job with each and every poem.  He now has a site where he can post and share them.  He writes about real-life situations which involve our friends and family.  Each and every one is touching, and humorous.  Hop on over and read some,   http://www.silverfoxprose.com   I'm sure you'll enjoy them too!